Our Mission
Our mission is to be the best English language school in Scotland, providing a high-quality and enjoyable learning experience for all students in a friendly and caring environment.
Our Core Values
We aim to ensure that:
- Our teaching enables all our students to improve their all-round English language skills during their course and reach their personal language goals.
- While at the School, students gain an insight into Scottish and British life and culture.
- Students have opportunities for cultural exchange, and to gain knowledge and understanding of each other and the local community.
- All students, agents, host families and staff are valued, respected and treated with fairness and kindness.
- We operate in a fair, ethical, and professional manner towards all students and agents.
- We are responsive to the needs and expectations of our students, creating an inclusive and secure environment for work, study and relaxation.
- Our services are subject to continual improvement, including providing our teachers and other staff with opportunities for training and development.
- The reputation of English language provision in the UK is maintained and advanced.
- We operate in an environmentally responsible way, through:
- Recycling and reducing waste such as the use of single-use plastics
- Using energy-efficient lighting and appliances to reduce energy consumption
- Promoting the use of walking, cycling and public transport
- Choosing eco-friendly materials for school supplies and encourage digital alternatives to paper wherever possible
- Supporting local environmental initiatives in the city centre of Glasgow.